2000, Karlsruhe, ZKM media-center (medien/kunstpreis2000/CITY) competition. The installation (Part 1) was nominated among “50 Best” (50 Bestern) and got into catalogue.

See: catalogue, DVD.



2000-St.-Petersbourg, Central exhibitional Hall “Manez”, «MediaArt Fest» exhibition

2002, Finland, Rauma, Lonnstrom Art Museum, “The essence” (“Jestestvo”) exhibition.

The Compelled Foreshortening(2005)

Human projekt Special project of yhe 1st Moskow Biennale of the Contemporary Art the exhibition is organized

by St. peterburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Kaliningrad branches

of the National Center for Contemporary Art of the Federal Agency for Cultur and Cinematography,

with the help of pARTner gallery and financial support of Ford Found January 28-February 28 2005 Central house of Artists.

Crimean gross 10, Moscow.

Forced Foreshortening, video installation on three screens, second version ,2004, 3 part 6 min each.
Three short films displayed simultaneously on three screens place viewers in the situations,

where he and his view become captives of the circumstances.

The first screen displays the field of vision of baby riding in a carriage , the second- that of a driver in a traffic jam,

the third that of a patient in a wheelchair. The three visions symbolizing birth, life and death bring viewers directly to the question

how he builds his own relations with the world, how spends his own life. 
